Hacer los deberes, asignar tareas en casa, anotar compras... ¿Quién no necesita una agenda? Perideau Designs nos regala este hermoso calendario semanal que ayudará a los niños a planificar su tiempo y no olvidar sus obligaciones. ¡Anímate a descargarlo!
Making their homework, organizing things, taking notes... Sure your children need a timetable! Perideau Designs brings us this simple and cute weekly calendar which will help them to organize their time. Come on and download it!
manualidades cool para disfrutar con los niños
marcapáginas / bookmarks
Jinjerup es una diseñadora gráfica que nos ofrece este freebie: marcapáginas de frutas. Anima a tus hijos a la lectura con ellos: seguro que los disfrutan. Sólo tienes que descargarte el archivo, imprimirlo en una impresora a color y recortarlos. ¡Disfruta de sabrosas lecturas!
Jinjerup is a graphic designer that offers us a sort of cute freebies. Here we have fruit bookmarks. Featuring durian, lychee, mangosteen, papaya, pineapple and watermelon, a tastefully cute collection for your summer reading pleasure!
Jinjerup is a graphic designer that offers us a sort of cute freebies. Here we have fruit bookmarks. Featuring durian, lychee, mangosteen, papaya, pineapple and watermelon, a tastefully cute collection for your summer reading pleasure!
casitas con cajas de cereales / cereal box house tutorial
Si os gustan las casitas y crear puelecitos, podéis hacerlas reciclando cajas de cartón. Son especialmente útiles las de cereales. Bella Dia ha hecho un tutorial para compartir con nosotros y es muy fácil. Una vez la casita esté hecha, podéis pintarla o forrarla con papel.
If you love little houses and creating wee villages, and want to make some of your own to play decorate with, you can make houses from all the cardboard boxes in your recycling. Bella Dia has written up a tutorial to share with you and it is actually very simple. Once the house is made it can be painted or covered with paper or even left plain.
If you love little houses and creating wee villages, and want to make some of your own to play decorate with, you can make houses from all the cardboard boxes in your recycling. Bella Dia has written up a tutorial to share with you and it is actually very simple. Once the house is made it can be painted or covered with paper or even left plain.
set de princesa de aluminio / aluminium foil dress up
¡No tires el papel de plata usado! Utilízalo para hacer estas hermosas coronas, varitas de hada, pulseras... o cualquier cosa que se te ocurra. Encuentra más inspiración en Filth Wizardry. Encontrarás todo un mundo nuevo.
You can make silly stuff out of tin foil. Once used, instead of throwing it to the rubbish, you can recicle it making beautiful jewels and accessories for the girls. Check out the cute things from Filth Wizardry and just recicle...
You can make silly stuff out of tin foil. Once used, instead of throwing it to the rubbish, you can recicle it making beautiful jewels and accessories for the girls. Check out the cute things from Filth Wizardry and just recicle...
gominolas sushi / sushi candy
Increíble pero cierto: sushi hecho con gominolas. Una idea estupenda para una fiesta infantil y que entretendrá a los niños confeccionando este dulce divertimento. Hemos encontrado esta monada en GlueGun Crafts.
Once in awhile a place you never thought would give you a crafty idea, reaches out of the depths and hands you a creative gem. This feature is sushi candy, brought to you by Safeway. Unfortunately, the link is gone but you can find a great inspiration in GlueGun Crafts.
Once in awhile a place you never thought would give you a crafty idea, reaches out of the depths and hands you a creative gem. This feature is sushi candy, brought to you by Safeway. Unfortunately, the link is gone but you can find a great inspiration in GlueGun Crafts.
elefantes kirigami / kirigami elephants
El kirigami es el arte japonés de recortar papel. Si investigas esta disciplina más a fondo seguro que te enganchas y, si tus niños tienen la edad suficiente para manejar las tijeras, seguro que pasarás más de una tarde desarrollando esta creativa manualidad. Descubre en The Little Travelers cómo se hace esta hermosa guirnalda de elefantes.
Kirigami is the japanese variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper. Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then cut; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. If you have children older enough to handle the scissors, discover in The Little Travellers this beautiful elephant kirigami garland.
Kirigami is the japanese variation of origami that includes cutting of the paper. Typically, kirigami starts with a folded base, which is then cut; cuts are then opened and flattened to make the finished kirigami. If you have children older enough to handle the scissors, discover in The Little Travellers this beautiful elephant kirigami garland.
animales con bobinas de hilo / thread spool animals
Seguro que en casa tienes bobinas de hilo de diferentes colores. Puedes crear estos graciosos animales de cartón con aquellas que son más gruesas. El color del hilo nos servirá de inspiración para hacerlo: marrón para una vaca o un caballo, naranja para un tigre o una jirafa, rosa para un cerdo... Entra en la página de Associated Content y averigua cómo hacerlos.
In your house, you have a large assortment of thread spools in a wide range of colors for sure. The color of the threads usually will give you some direction in what animal we wanted to create. Brown thread can become a cow, horse or lion. Orange thread spools make great tigers and giraffes. Pink works for pigs and flamingos. Try gray or white for a cat. Find out how to make it in Associated Content.
In your house, you have a large assortment of thread spools in a wide range of colors for sure. The color of the threads usually will give you some direction in what animal we wanted to create. Brown thread can become a cow, horse or lion. Orange thread spools make great tigers and giraffes. Pink works for pigs and flamingos. Try gray or white for a cat. Find out how to make it in Associated Content.
cohete con rollos de papel / paper rolls space rocket
Los rollos de papel higiénico nos presentan todo un mundo de posibilidades para hacer manualidades. En este caso, Inna's Creations nos enseña cómo hacer un cohete con rollos de papel higiénico y rollos de papel de plata o transparente. Córtalos, pégalos y pintalos y... ¡Hasta el infinito y más allá!
You can stop throwing away toilet paper rolls, because they can be used in a variety of craft projects. This toy rocket is another example of such easy and eco-friendly kids crafts. You can find it in Inna's Creations blog.
You can stop throwing away toilet paper rolls, because they can be used in a variety of craft projects. This toy rocket is another example of such easy and eco-friendly kids crafts. You can find it in Inna's Creations blog.
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