manualidades cool para disfrutar con los niños


manualidades con conchas / seashell crafts

Aprovecha el verano para recoger conchas y hacer algunas manualidades que nos ofrece Parenting Our Kids. Tendrás que limpiar las conchas antes de que se pongan manos a la obra: lavarlas bajo el agua, cepillarlas y ponerlas en agua con lejía (¡cuidado, pueden quemar!). Después vuelve a cepillarlas y aclararlas y ya están listas para que los niños hagan estupendas manualidades como esta bonita tarjeta.
Enjoy these sea shell crafts for kids from Parenting Our Kids. Do your kids have shells from your beach trips? You will need to clean the shells before the kids can do any craft. Wash the shells first under cold running water. Use a stiff brush to get rid of anything stuck to shells In a plastic bucket use equal parts of bleach to water. Wear gloves to add shells as bleach can burn. leave shells for a while, maybe an hour then take out and brush again. When shells are clean rinse in cold clear water. Leave to dry then let kids get creative with these sea shell crafts for kids.

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